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To be family-connected, to be real


The article “Thomas Rhett to bring ‘Life Changes’ tour to BJC,” which was published on September 16, featured the life story about Thomas Rhett and his gratitude to his father for affecting him with deep love of music. This reminds me what my mother always says to me that parents are the premier teachers for their children and affect them the most.


As we know, the great inventor Thomas Edison had his mother who protected his self-esteem, trusted him completely and gave him support to pursue his dream. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart had respect and support from his father Leopold Mozart and became a famous musician. It is important for parents to act correctly and responsibly to affect their children in the right way. However, there are some parents nowadays who put much more of their focus on social media than their children, affect their children to use technology at an early age and neglect the importance of interacting with their children.


Rhett mentioned about changes of his life and found the best way for him to pursue his career, but he still remembered the importance of being with his family. Definitely, everyone should find the most appropriate way to live, and everyone’s would be different, but it is essential for us to be real and share our lives with people we love. 

This letter to editor was published by Centre Daily Times. (Click Here to See)

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